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Harden is repped by UTA, manager Maryellen Mulcahy of Framework Entertainment and attorneys James Adams and Ira Schreck. Rita Ora joined Fifty Shades yesterday as the production fleshes out its supporting cast, which also includes Eloise Mumford as Kate, Anastasia’s BFF/roommate Luke Grimes as Christian’s brother Elliot Victor Rasuk as Anastasia’s friend José Jennifer Ehle as Anastasia’s mother Carla and Max Martini as Christian Grey’s bodyguard Jason Taylor. Jamie Dornan has been set to play Christian opposite Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele in the pic directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, which will now hit theaters February 13, 2015. Harden recently wrapped Woody Allen‘s Magic in the Moonlight and stars on HBO’s The Newsroom and ABC’s Trophy Wife. love you to death moviesalex kalymnios marcia gay harden emily skeggs brennan keel cook garfield wilsonkayla deorksenheather dereksentate. She’s also the one who inadvertently introduces Christian to his cougar lover Elena from whom he learns his BDSM ways. Grace Grey is the pediatrician who cares for 4-year-old Christian when his birth mother (or “the crack whore,” as Fifty Shades readers may know her) dies. Grace Trevelyan Grey, the adoptive physician mama of emotionally damaged billionaire Christian Grey and his siblings Mia and Elliot. Oscar-winner Marcia Gay Harden has joined the cast of Universal and Focus Features’ erotic adaptation of EL James‘s Fifty Shades Of Grey.

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